Our Philosophy

Mutual aid is deeply ingrained in Palestinian society. It is our way of life to care for and support each other through difficult times. Today, in Gaza, we are collectively facing the most urgent and challenging times any of us have ever experienced. None of us have our basic needs met. We are all fighting to survive minute by minute.

Mutual aid is our community's natural response to this collective catastrophe. All the people of Gaza need support, and we need a solution that prioritizes the collective over the individual. For this reason, we started with community kitchens.

Community kitchens allow us to reach as many people as possible and use our limited resources most efficiently. Because we buy bulk from merchants, we can negotiate for better pricing, which means more food for the community. Additionally, most of our community does not have access to cash, which means that without a community kitchen, people would not have access to food.

The inadequate amount of aid exacerbates the situation in Gaza. For months, the only open crossing has been the merchant crossing, which emphasizes the fact that unless someone has access to cash, they will not have access to food. Our community kitchens are our solution to this problem. By focusing our resources on establishing kitchens in displacement camps, we are able to reach as many people as possible.

Beyond community kitchens, we also supply hospitals with baby formula and food for children. Our children are our past, present, and future, and they are suffering the most during these dark days. By helping sustain our sick children, we are investing in the future of our community. These children are the most vulnerable among us, and we are committed to supporting them through this collective nightmare we are experiencing.

Our work centers collective projects like the community kitchens in camps and baby formula and food to hospitals because it is the best way to reach as many people as possible. At times, extreme cases of individual suffering come to our attention. When this happens, we do our best to reach out to the individual and support them as best as possible.

While we rely on the financial support of our global community, we assert that our work is not charity but solidarity. We have no operational overhead; every member of our team volunteers their time and resources. We are community members responding to the needs of our community and are ourselves experiencing the horrors of genocide. We have had team members martyred and have lost too many loved ones. We channel our grief and pain into supporting our community. We assert that helping us is solidarity because your generosity, no matter how big or small, has a significant impact on our ability to protect the very life that is violently targeted.

We are committed to remaining steadfast and continuing to do everything we can to support our people.

First and foremost, we thank God for his many blessings and ask God to always give us the strength, wisdom, and steadfastness we need to continue honoring His creations by protecting life.

Secondly, we are eternally grateful to our global family that continues to stand and fight with us. Your support is invaluable and without it, our work would not be possible. We thank you for being an integral part of our mission.